Thursday 27 September 2012

100 Terrific Tools for Coders & Developers

Coding… the world runs on it these days. Want job security? Become a developer. Want fame and fortune? Learn to code!

Whether you are a world-class programmer looking for a few extra tools to add to your already awesome arsenal or a wanna-be coder looking to get into the game, these coding resources comprised of many startups (meaning you probably haven’t heard of a lot of these) as well as established sites and services are sure to help you take your game to the next level (whatever that might be). Included here are tools to help you communicate better with your team, share code, test your app and track usage, add functionality and much more. Whether you are a mobile or web app developer, I’m sure you will find something new to love here. Any suggestions on great sites or services that should be added?

Random & Cool

  1. Tracelytics – Full stack application tracing. Cloud APM.
  2. TaskMissile - Makes getting client feedback fast, easy and exact.
  3. Kera – Activate more users with in-app tutorials.
  4. Flowdock - Team inbox with chat. Collaboration web app for technical teams.
  5. Modulus – Host, scale and gain insights into Node.js applications.
  6. Cloud Assault – Load testing without the aeronautics degree.
  7. Metricfire - Powerful application metrics made easy.
  8. Interstate – Turn potential tire-kickers into loyal users. Open project management.
  9. codenow - Developer collaboration. Easily share and discover code.
  10. Lingohub – Start localizing your software for better market adoption.
  11. TranslateKarate – Simple online translation and localization toolkit.
  12. Kickfolio - The simplest way to market your apps.
  13. Snippets – Don’t reinvent your code. Code snippets manager.

Learn to Code

  1. Treehouse - Learn to design and develop for the web and iOS.
  2. Codecademy - Interactive, fun way to learn to code with friends.
  3. Code School - Where web professionals learn by doing.
  4. Udacity - Learn by solving challenging problems from world-renowned instructors.
  5. Coursera – Lots of computer science classes–for free.
  6. RubyMonk – Interactive ruby tutorials.
  7. Khan Academy - Free world-class education on a variety of programming topics.
  8. School of Webcraft - The peer-powered way to learn web development.
  9. Google Code University - Tutorials, introductions and courses.
  10. Orientation to Android Training – Official Android classes.
  11. phpacademy – Free PHP video tutorials.

Source Control

  1. GitHub - Social coding.
  2. Pixelapse - Visual version control. Get a time-lapse view of your designs.
  3. Bitbucket – Free source code hosting.
  4. Versions – Subversion Mac client.
  5. SourceTree – A free Mac client for Git and Mercurial version control systems.
  6. OFFSCALE - Get your database under control. DB version management.
  7. Tower – Git client for Mac.

Development Platforms

  1. Heroku – Cloud application platform. Deploy and scale powerful apps.
  2. Compilr – Develop and learn code all from the comfort of your web browser.
  3. Kinvey - Mobile cloud backend as a service.
  4. Firebase - A scalable real-time backend for your website.
  5. Cloud9 – Online IDE.
  6. Parse – The complete mobile app platform.
  7. CloudMine – The backend as a service for mobile and web apps.
  8. Koding – Browser-based IDE. A new way for developers to get work done.
  9. AppHarbor – .NET cloud platform as a service.
  10. dotCloud - Deploy, manage and scale any web app.
  11. BrainEngine – Cloud-based development platform.
  12. StackMob – Powering mobile applications.
  13. PHP Fog – Rock solid cloud platform for PHP.
  14. Backrest - Easy creation of Saas data backends.
  15. Codeanywhere – Online code editor.
  16. NeptuneIDE – Full-featured, cloud-based IDE for PHP.
  17. Fusegrid – ColdFusion in the cloud.
  18. Cloud IDE – Code and deploy in the cloud.
  19. FriendCode – A social network revolving around an online code editor.
  20. ToolsCloud – Development environment in the cloud.

Continuous Integration & Deployment

  1. TestPilot - Continuous software delivery and integration, simplified.
  2. CircleCi - Continuous integration for web apps. Easy, fast, automated testing.
  3. Railsonfire - Continuous integration and deployment for Ruby.
  4. Wercker - Continuous deployment made easy.
  5. hostedci – Hosted continuous integration for iOS and Mac.

Bug Tracking, Feedback & Monitoring

  1. Crashlytics – Powerful and lightweight crash reporting for iOS and Android.
  2. Usersnap - A screenshot paints a thousand words.
  3. Crittercism – Stop worrying and start building. Mobile app performance monitoring.
  4. Ratchet – Fix errors faster. Realtime error reporting and tracking.
  5. New Relic – Web application performance management (APM).
  6. Exceptional – Tracks errors in web apps and reports them in realtime.
  7. BugSense – Mobile app insights and crash reporting.
  8. Bugzilla – Server software to help you manage software development.
  9. Bugify – Simple PHP issue tracking for small teams.
  10. BugHerd – Simple bug tracker. Capture feedback effortlessly.
  11. Snowy Evening – Bug and issue tracking with Github integration.


  1. Twilio – APIs for voice, VoIP and text messaging.
  2. Veritable – The predictive database.
  3. Stripe – Payments for developers.
  4. Factual – Structured data APIs.
  5. – Simplify user content handling.
  6. PubNub - Blazingly fast cloud-hosted messaging service for real-time apps.
  7. Mailgun - Email for developers. Send, receive, track and store email.
  8. Context.IO - The missing email API. Leverage email data in applications.
  9. Semantics3 – APIs for product data.
  10. Qubulus - Indoor positioning service provider.
  11. – SMS HTTP API using your own Android phone.
  12. Cloudeo - Live video and voice for developers.
  13. Embedly - Convert standard URLs into embedded videos, images and more.
  14. Scaled Recognition - Make images actionable.

Game Development

  1. Viximo – Global social game distribution platform.
  2. XNA – Game development tools from Microsoft.
  3. Scoreloop – Cross-platform mobile gaming SDK. Virtual currency and more.
  4. Yodo1 – Mobilize your games in China.
  5. Game Closure – Offer a JavaScript game SDK. Runs on mobile/tablet devices.
  6. scoreoid – The ultimate server platform for game developers.
  7. FTW – Universal gaming identity. Sync saves, scores, friends across devices.
  8. Storybricks – Create your own MMO experience.

Mobile Development

  1. Codiqa – Insanely fast mobile prototyping.
  2. AppCooker - Advanced iOS mockup generator for mobile applications.
  3. Apptentive – Easy in-app feedback for iPhone application developers.
  4. - iOS app store SEO and marketing.
  5. Chupa Mobile – The marketplace for mobile app components.
  6. Appboy - User engagement, CRM, analytics and more.
  7. Flurry - Analytics, traffic acquisition and monetization.
  8. Octopod – Mobile development platform.
  9. Little Eye – Battery profiler tool for Android apps.


  1. Binpress - Source-code marketplace: components, packages, classes, scripts.
  2. UploadCare - Handles uploads and storage so you can focus on other things.
  3. Eden – PHP library designed for rapid prototyping and less code.
  4. appbackr - Crowdfunding marketplace for mobile apps.
  5. Modkit - Programming for any thing.
  6. TechScratch - Focus on what you are good at and get help with the rest.
  7. Storyteller - Build great websites with content from anywhere.
  8. Feed.Us – CMS for web apps.
  9. Hosted Graphite - Simple, hosted graphite as a service.
  10. Divshot - The interface builder for web apps. Rapid HTML5 prototyping.
  11. CSS Piffle - No more photo editing software for web design.
  12. FlyWithMonkey - Tools for HTML5 app developers.
  13. Expanz - Build better business apps. One server, any device.
  14. Zapstreak – Airplay for Android.
  15. RepoDrop – Private Git repository hosting.
  16. CodeWars – Train and test your skills or battle other developers.
  17. Architexa – Understand/document complex Java code bases in Eclipse.
  18. UserMetrics - Analytics to help you understand how users use your software.
  19. Setapp – Share and discover insanely great tools.
  20. Coder Bounty – Place bounties on code issues.
  21. Last5 – Productivity and time tracking for developers.
  22. XtGem - Visual mobile site building.
  23. uTest – End to end application testing.

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