Saturday 6 October 2012


I made most of the essentials bold so they could be easier to see.

II. Setting up your server
III. Functions

Be sure to turn your Anti Virus off when you Build Your Server or else it will detect it, and delete it which will result in starting over, from building your server

Lets get started shall we?


First off, you will need to download Dark Comet.
Just google it, and download their latest version; 3.0.1
Once downloaded, Extract the files to your Desktop, or wherever you wish.

Open Client.exe

-When you open client.exe you will be brought upon Terms & Conditions, just accept and move on.

-If you look at the bottom you will notice multiple tabs you can choose from.

Click 'General Settings'

-Once clicked, click on No-IP, in the top left corner.

II. Setting up your Server

-A new box will open asking for A Host name,User name, and Password.
This can all be obtained by creating a new account at No-IP(Just google it)

-Once you have a new account created you will need to create a username.
(This normally pops up the middle of the screen on the webpage)

-Once created, Click the option to create a new host, It is usually laid out as if you're creating a sub-domain (Ex;
Just choose one, and remember it.
There will be more options to do, but most is unnecessary.
All you will need is the host created.
Once it is created go back to DC(Dark Comet)

-Remember that No-IP box? Well here is where your Info comes in.

-In the Host Box, put your Host name(Ex; Mine is,

-In the Username box, Put you're No-IP account username.

-In the Password box, enter your No-IP account password.
(No worries, all information is kept safe)

-When you finish, tick the checkbox in the bottom left corner, 'Auto Update'. Once ticked, click the Button in the top right corner. If it says your IP is current, then close that box, and when you go back to DC you will be at the main Settings Page, labeled 'SIN/Main Form - Settings', or something close to that.

-Look in the bottom right corner to find a password box, you will enter any password here.(This is used to gain access to your connection, it's just used to protect your port)

-Now in the bottom click the 'Connections' Tab.

-Click Edit Server at the top
And select 'Server Module'

-Keep the box ticked that says RES.
And Tick the box Security Password.

-Type in another Password, I used the same password as my Port access so I could remember it easier.

-Where it says Process Mutex; Click the Generate Button a couple of times.

-Then where it says Server ID, just put anything you would like,

-Then click network settings.
Here you will see it says IP/DNS, you enter your No-IP Host again,
You will need to go back to your connections, this does not involve closing anything, just go back to your other open window.

Once here, Click the Toolbar item, "+ Listen"
It will ask for a port to be listened to. You can use any port, and be sure the UpNP is ticked, this will open the port for you automatically(If possible)

Then click Listen

No go back to your settings, and where it Says "Port:" Below IP/DNS, enter the port you're listening to.

-Click Test Network, if all is Green at the bottom, you can move on to
'Module Startup'

Module Startup is not necessary, but is useful to have.

-If you chose Module Startup then keep reading otherwise Move on to the next option.
Here you tick the checkbox "Enable module server startup"
Once done set the following to so:

Install Path: SYS32#\ : (Any File Name.exe)

Install Name: (Any File Name) Make sure to use something realistic

Tick Change File Creation Date if not so done, and enter the current date or a date older if you wish, which would make it harder to locate due to current creation.

Tick the following under "Installed module file attributes"
Hidden,System,Temporary,Read Only

Tick the same options under "Installed module path attributes"

-Move on to Module Shield

This determines whether the file will be detected by Virus systems or not.

These options are self explanatory..

I use the following options in mine;

Active persistant process
Disable win firewall (XP Sp3 to Windows Seven)
Disable AV notify
Disable Security Center

-Other options are optional

-Move on to Keylogger
Here, just tick the box "Active offline keylogger on sever startup" (Optional)

-Move on to Choose Icon, and choose any Icon you wish.

-Move on to Build Module.
Choose the following;

Output extension: .exe
Compress Executable (Pack): UPX

Tick the box "Save Profile Settings after build"

And click build Server, Save it Where ever you wish, and it will done when it says "Checking if we need to save the settings...."

When creating a new server, you WILL have to repeat all except for creating the No-IP Host, that can be used over-and-over.

III. Functions

Send the file to the other PC, and download it and run it.

Once it is open, nothing will happen, except for the fact that the other PC with the file running will be shown in your connections.

Double Click the connection and enter your Port Password.

You will be brought upon almost ALL functions you could do on a PC, you can redirect to new website, transfer files, etc.

Spy functions can be used to view a webcam(If one is connected)
And remote View/Access to your PC.

There are hundreds of options you can choose from to mess with your other PC, from making Piano sounds to completely Stopping it.

I'd advise you to not to abuse this by hacking PC's unless you're willing to face federal offences, seeing how it is illegal, but fun(Personal Experience)
(You're unlikely to be caught hacking other PC's unless you hack the wrong one..Lol)

DC(Dark Comet), Advises to not use this as an advantage or abuse

After catching the hang of it, you will become alot faster at creating your servers.

Credits: Me & Dark Comet Copyright © 2006-2010 DarkCoderSc Software.

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